I'm a normal human, completely normal!

The Priest

Nou'Shien, or Shinon, is a VTuber, traveler, and the singular priest of the Nou.Any pronouns ⚜️ 28/11 ⚜️ Eng/Esp
Lore? It's a work in progress! (⌒▽⌒ゞ

Art tag: #artnou
Live tag: TBA


The Nou

About the Nou

The "Nou" from Nou'Shien corresponds to a title - that of the Head Priest within the private religion of Ennou. It refers to being one with the concept of the En. The second part, "Shien" in this case, is simply the given name of the priest - in this case, mine
The Ennou - or Ennouism, if you prefer - is a spiritual path toward the En: an unconditional, sublime love for everything and everyone.
Its origins are quite recent, so its tenets are still developing, but the nature of Ennouism is one of curiosity, open-mindedness, and - most of all - kindness.

To follow that path, it is suggested to take certain vows; even if there is no further obligation than that of self-discipline, their meanings are highly valuable for the practice. A few examples would be: to not cut your hair if not for it to grow longer, for your hair is physical proof of your time on this path; to avoid wearing shoes when possible, to connect with the land, and to walk gently amongst its creatures; to speak naught but the truth, for life and its actions must be neither erased nor twisted.
Such vows reflect a path that yearns for union between the world and the perceiver.

The rhombus is a very important symbol for the Nou - its straight, direct connections indicate a closeness between vertices; while the shape itself commonly represents precious gems, calling forth their majesty and mystical properties.

About the Nou
About the Nou



I'm a human, yes!

Art F.A.Q.

♦ Can I draw you?
Absolutely, please tag it with #artnou so I can see it!
♦ Can I get/make art of us together?
Of course! It would be quite the honor to be featured, so please tag me! As for ship content, I'm not particulary against it, but feel free to DM me for confirmation!
♦ What about NSFW?
You are free to draw it, but please keep it out of the main tags if you wish to upload it!(´▽`*)
♦ What are those black gradients on your arms and legs?
Marks of compromise. Feel free to treat them like a tattoo! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I usually keep them hidden, but that's not a must!
♦ Is there more art of you?
^I've compiled some art I've uploaded to Twitter on this moment as of now! But media tab on Twitter has plenty more! ^

